Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan [2015]


Musician/composer Maarten Van Cauwenberghe, permanent partner of Voetvolk, plays Bob Dylan songs on vinyl; Lisbeth Gruwez dances. This establishes communication without words, connecting two people with songs from the sixties and seventies. Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan is pure, minimalistic and takes you to that place where the evening fades into the night, where the party ends and guests go home, where one individual is left on the dancefloor, undisturbed, lost in a dialogue with music.




Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan is a pearl. So pure, spontaneous and generous. On repeat. 

          Charlotte De Somviele - De Standaard

The precision of the movement is stunning, its repetition hypnotic. She thrusts her head forward a million times, she spins round and round a million times. All the way to drunkenness. Hers and the spectator's. 

          Pascale Zimmerman – Tribune de Genève

Generous by nature, the dancer constantly remains in touch with her audience ... this has to be seen as a moment of sharing through dance and music, mutually complementing each other in this particular alchemy that is the essence of the moment experienced as a community. 

         Quentin Guisgand – Infero Magazine


The performance Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan shows again how each idea that Lisbeth Gruwez puts into body language makes a lasting impression. (...) There is a fine balance between the world-famous music of the songwriter and the personal physical translation by Gruwez, matching each other in intensity. No need to be a fan or connoisseur of Bob Dylan for Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan. With her force Gruwez will surely pull you along. 

          Marcelle Schots - Theaterkrant  


Concept and performance

Lisbeth Gruwez & Maarten Van Cauwenberghe



Lisbeth Gruwez



Bob Dylan


Light design 

Harry Cole & Caroline Mathieu


Technical director

Thomas Glorieux


Special thanks to

Bart Meuleman, Café Costume & Marie Szersnovicz



Voetvolk vzw



KVS, Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Ballet du Nord, Théâtre d'Arras / Tandem Arras-Douai, Les Brigittines & Theater Im Pumpenhaus 


Supported by 

NONA & the Flemish Community



Key Performance




dansen_met_bob_dylan.pdf Jun 5 2015
Dansen met Bob Dylan
bobmouvement.pdf May 31 2015
Just like Lisbeth Gruwez
epure_lumineuse_sur_la_sc_ne_danse.pdf Jun 25 2015
Epure lumineuse sur la scène danse
lisbeth_gruwez_une_amie_qui_vous_veut_du_bien_inferno.pdf Aug 10 2015
Lisbeth Gruwez, une amie qui vous veut du bien
je_me_sens_connect_e_a_la_mani_re_bob_dylan.pdf Jun 3 2015
Je me sens connectée a la manière de Bob Dylan
danser_avec_bob_dylan_-_la_libre_be.pdf Dec 18 2015
Danser avec Bob Dylan
dylan_vs__gruwez.pdf Dec 19 2015
Dylan vs. Dylan
elke_song_een_ander_karakter_-_theaterkrant.pdf Dec 7 2015
Elke song een ander karakter
dylan_on_the_dance_floor.pdf Dec 1 2015
Dylan on the dance floor
les_mondes_enfouis_de_lisbeth_gruwez.pdf Jan 15 2016
Les mondes enfouis de Lisbeth Gruwez
soundcaster_tim_taveirne_interviewt_lisbeth_gruwez_-_concertgebouw_brugge.pdf Dec 9 2015
Interview met Lisbeth Gruwez
lisbeth_gruwez_dances_bob_dylan_la_danse_habitee_inferno.pdf Dec 3 2016
La danse habitée
lisbeth_gruwez_dances_bob_dylan_tnt_toulouse_inferno.pdf Mar 24 2016
Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan- TNT Toulouse
bob_dylan_auf_schritt_und_tritt_eng.pdf Nov 3 2016
Bob Dylan at every step and turn
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Bob Dylan ou l'épopée d'une danseuse sur vinyle
doc_-_27-02-16_17-42.pdf Feb 26 2016
Dansen op Bob Dylan
gruwez.pdf Mar 16 2016
Let's dance
kn23_-_interview_gruwez_dances_dylan.pdf Aug 10 2015
Interview Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan
lisbeth_gruwez_dances_bob_dylan_the_a_toile.pdf Dec 5 2016
Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan
loyalty-to-the-stars-above-lisbeth-gruwez-in-campo.pdf Mar 7 2016
Loyalty to the stars above
pre_s_de_rouen_lisbeth_gruwez_danse_bob_dylan.pdf Jan 16 2017
Lisbeth Gruwez danse Bob Dylan
recensie_lisbeth_gruwez_dances_bob_dylan_-_veto_be.pdf Nov 14 2016
Democratie van de beweging

Technical rider
